404 Foley
In the most entertaining congressional scandal ever, where to begin? Not at Foley's official site, which now redirects to a House "Current Vacancies" page.
I just can't decide which part of this imbroglio is the juiciest: that Foley was the Republican point man for kiddie porn and chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children? Or that after the first round of revelations, his office said that requesting photos of teen pages was SOP and that his electoral opponent was just trying to smear him (now there's a page ripped out of the Rove manual)? Right now my vote goes to his IM message to a boy who had just identified himself to Foley as underage: "we may need to drink at my house so we don't get busted".
Whoever has the factory order for Mark Foley Halloween masks had better look into expanding their production capacity.
I just can't decide which part of this imbroglio is the juiciest: that Foley was the Republican point man for kiddie porn and chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children? Or that after the first round of revelations, his office said that requesting photos of teen pages was SOP and that his electoral opponent was just trying to smear him (now there's a page ripped out of the Rove manual)? Right now my vote goes to his IM message to a boy who had just identified himself to Foley as underage: "we may need to drink at my house so we don't get busted".
Whoever has the factory order for Mark Foley Halloween masks had better look into expanding their production capacity.
yeah, the Chair of Missing and Exploited Children bit has been the gigantic waving flag for me since the story was first breaking. I feel like their might have even been an internet angle to his work. Naturally.
I also like his scrambling for excuses: I was drunk! No, wait -- my priest touched me when I was 13! What was his name.... hmmmm... Father... wait, give me a second...
I wonder what he'll come up with next. Mind control? Aliens? Split personality disorder?
From Eric Zorn's column in the Chicago Tribune:
"When U.S. Rep. Mark Foley told reporters Monday he was entering treatment for alcoholism in the wake of this scandal, reader Tim Howe came up with a new word to describe the attempt to make problems magically disappear by announcing you are seeking help to battle an addiction: Rehabracadabra."
Love that.
Do I make you a little horny?
I thought that this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Congressional_page_sex_scandal scandal was pretty entertaining.
Studds not only didn't resign, he was re-elected.
I'm not defending Foley, but, as for the kiddie angle, I believe that the age of consent in DC is 16.
Guess what movie was on last night?
Also, Booger, it sure sounds like you're attempting to defend Foley without sticking your neck out too far. True, it may affect what Foley could legally be held accountable for, but that doesn't change the heinous nature of his offense. But then, protecting the vulnerable, particularly children, is dear to my heart. Politics comes into play for me because Republicans have claimed to be the "moral, Christian" party. Where is Pat Robertson now? What, no natural disaster can be blamed on Foley? He's strangely silent.
You know what I would like to see? An independent investigator assigned to investigate this whole mess who is affiliated with neither a liberal group nor a conservative group, but a child advocacy group. The day that happens, I have hope for our federal government's soul.
Yeah. I'll keep waiting.
Just to be clear:
I am a Conservative Republican.
Foley should have quit or been removed from office.
Studds should have quit or been removed from office.
There is no "moral ... party."
Pat Robertson is a jackass.
how do I look in these tight white pants?
Yeah, yeah, yeah...politics whatever. Blah blah.
Where the hell were you on Friday?!
xoxo Rev. Jack
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