boobies! WHEEE!!!! i can't imagine anyone who doesn't <3 love a good boob... (wish i had access to an hp5500 or a epson 9800 to print one of these out...)
I had been QUITE frustrated with my sports bra as of late, for whence on the Eliptical, the Fiance walked across the gym and said rather loudly, "YOU ARE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE OR YOURSELF WITH THOSE." And he chuckled.
But when I read about DAMAGE to the TISSUE, I knew it was serious. And then, when I generated the preview of a 'D' cup running at max, I got scared.
Now, I'm pricing these Shock Absorbers on the Internet. So: you've saved my girls. Thank You from the bottom of my chesty heart.
The Doctor is always happy to see the fruits of his community outreach. We all need support, Fritz; apparently, you just need a little more. I'm glad you found it here.
my favorite is black-eye-and-broken-jaw inducing FF+G setting... leathal weapon part 2, i mean 2 parts...
Boobies bounce.
I just gave the URL to SuperMongo. I doubt will here from him until well into next week.
boobies! WHEEE!!!! i can't imagine anyone who doesn't <3 love a good boob... (wish i had access to an hp5500 or a epson 9800 to print one of these out...)
Do you know...?
I had been QUITE frustrated with my sports bra as of late, for whence on the Eliptical, the Fiance walked across the gym and said rather loudly, "YOU ARE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE OR YOURSELF WITH THOSE." And he chuckled.
But when I read about DAMAGE to the TISSUE, I knew it was serious. And then, when I generated the preview of a 'D' cup running at max, I got scared.
Now, I'm pricing these Shock Absorbers on the Internet. So: you've saved my girls.
Thank You from the bottom of my chesty heart.
The Doctor is always happy to see the fruits of his community outreach. We all need support, Fritz; apparently, you just need a little more. I'm glad you found it here.
Behave yourself, Doctor. Fritz is my friend.
Ubermilf is uberly terrific.
And, Dr. are correct, sir!
I have the proof.
PS: I am blatantly slumming for more hits on my blog. Yes. It's true.
It's all so clear to me now.
Thank you Doctor.
Oh, that reminds me;
my rubberband and peanut shell need replacing!
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